North America


Buo Apjo

  • North America

Filmmaker: Thomas Enderlin
Run Time: 22:17 minutes

Deep in the jungles of Eastern Colombia, a myriad of rivers languidly creep through the landscape like giant anacondas, carving out winding bends and leaving behind oxbow lakes and lagoons as they slowly shift through geologic time. These backwater rivers brim with aquatic life, and the top of that food chain is a predatory fish of legends – Cichla temensis or the speckled peacock bass. Once the haunts of Pablo Escobar and anti-government guerrilla forces, these prolific waters have recently been passed back to the indigenous Piaroa communities who inhabit their banks. This new regime of conservation-minded stewards has opened the doors for international visitors, including anglers who have started to voyage into the heart of this wilderness in hopes of an encounter with one of the giant multi-colored cichlids that call these waters home. This film documents the community’s unique connection with nature, their traditional way of life, and how they are adapting to a new future by implementing sustainable tourism practices via fly fishing. The story of the Rio Mataven is told through the voice of one of the Piaroa leaders (in Piaroa language) and several other key characters (Spanish and English).

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