North America


What Lies Above

  • Australia
  • Europe
  • New Zealand
  • North America

Location: Mexico
Species: Permit
Produced by: Fly Fishing Nation Media
Film maker: Simon Kay
Run Time: 07:21 minutes

What Lies Above is a film that tells the story of a unique change in feeding behaviour of permit along the Yucatan Peninsula. An increase in the amount of a floating seaweed called Sargassum being driven into the coastline is creating havoc with tourism and the environment as it piles up and rots. However, a crab that dwells within it, a crab that lives in this floating mass, a crab that the permit in Xcalak, Mexico have learnt to hunt as a regular food source. Join Chase Looney and guide Raul Sanchez on the hunt for permit on the surface in this extraordinary town.

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